Friday, December 27, 2019
Essay on Love in Toni Morrisons Beloved - 646 Words
Love is said to be one of the most desired things in life. People long for it, search for it, and crave it. It can come in the form of partners, friends, or just simply family. To some, love is something of a necessity in life, where some would rather turn a cold shoulder to it. Love can be the mixture of passion, need, lust, loyalty, and blood. Love can be extraordinary and breathtaking. Love being held so high can also be dangerous. Love can drive people to numerous mad things with it dangerously so full of craze and passion. In Toni Morrisons Beloved, there were many different love filled and driven relationships. There are family relationships between siblings, and relationships between mother and children. There are relationships†¦show more content†¦Sethe is not simply attempting to kill her children just for the sake of doing it; she sees no other option for the betterment of their lives. Sethe is attempting to take the lives of her children out of pure love and the o pportunity to not drag them through a life of suffering. It is shown that after the act of taking the life of Beloved and attempting the life taking of Denver, Howard, and Buglar, that Sethe truly does love her children. The way Sethe tried to go about saving her children seems unethical and horrible, but there did not seem to be all too many options for Sethe to save her children from the slave life. Howard and Buglar left Sethe and Denver to get away from Sethe, they had even warned Denver about what she had attempted to do to them. Although Howard and Buglar ran from Sethe and there was the attempted murder in the barn, Sethe still thinks of them because they are her children. Denver was tossed as an infant that day in the barn, and she clearly survives. Even after all the events and situations created from the presence of Beloved there is still a strong bond of love between Sethe and Denver. Sethe loves Denver very much, she is her one surviving child that is still with her. Den ver has a longing for Beloved. Beloved is her sister and she needs that ghost around. It is as if Beloved is a part of Denver. When they are in the cold room and Denver believes that Beloved leaves Denver cries out because she needsShow MoreRelatedThe Contrasting Nature Of Love Explored In Toni Morrisons Beloved1374 Words  | 6 PagesIn her novel Beloved, Toni Morrison explores the paradoxical nature of love both as a dangerous presence that promises suffering and a life-giving force that gives the strength to proceed; through the experiences of the run-away slave Sethe. The dangerous aspect of love is revealed through the comments of Paul D and Ella regarding the motherly love of Sethe towards her children. Sethes deep attachment to her children is deemed dangerous due to their social environment which evidently promises thatRead More Mother-Daughter Relationship in Toni Morrisons Beloved Essay699 Words  | 3 PagesThe Mother-Daughter Relationship in Toni Morrisons Beloved In Toni Morrison novel, Beloved , the author creates a mother-daughter relationship in which the mother Sethe, out of love, murders her daughter Beloved to free and protect her from the harshness of slavery. Because of this, the baby ghost of her deceased daughter haunts her conscience and is later resurrected to further torment Sethe about her act of love. From the time she slits the throat of her infant daughter and untilRead MoreBeloved: Critique with New Historicism1749 Words  | 7 Pages Beloved is a Pulitzer Prize winning novel written by Toni Morrison and published in 1987. The story follows Sethe as she attempts to make peace with her present (for her, post Civil War America) and her past as a former slave and the atrocities she suffered at the hands of the benevolent Gardner family. Information given to the readers from different perspectives, multiple characters, and various time periods allows her audience to piece together the history of the family, the ir lives, asRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved1615 Words  | 7 PagesIn her novel Beloved, Toni Morrison utilizes a circular narrative to emphasize the similarities, or lack thereof, between her characters. In Philip Page’s article, â€Å"Circularity in Toni Morrison’s Beloved,†he writes, â€Å"The plot is developed through repetition and variation of one or more core-images in overlapping waves... And it is developed through... the spiraling reiteration of larger, mythical acts such as birth, death, rebirth, quest-journeys, and the formation and disintegration of families†Read More Memory in Toni Morrisons Beloved Essay806 Words  | 4 PagesMemory in Toni Morrisons Beloved   Memories are works of fiction, selective representations of experiences actual or imagined. They provide a framework for creating meaning in ones own life as well as in the lives of others. In Toni Morrisons novel Beloved, memory is a dangerous and debilitating faculty of human consciousness. Sethe endures the tyranny of the self imposed prison of memory. She expresses an insatiable obsession with her memories, with the past. Sethe is compelled to exploreRead MoreToni Morrison s Beloved, The Bond Between A Mother And Daughter1540 Words  | 7 PagesLove transcends to a spiritual level, allowing for a more intimate connection with the family. Nevertheless, terrible events can blur this concept between being healthy or dangerous. In Beloved, by Toni Morrison, the bond between a mother and daughter is a strong, unbreakable force, like in any family. However, that doesn’t guarantee that it will always be good; it can also be a toxic relationship that slowly kills one or both partners of the bond mentally and physically. Everyone wishes to be lovedRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved 1310 Words  | 6 Pages Mommy Issues: A â€Å"Beloved†Response Essay Late in 1987, after being inspired by a fellow story of a female fugitive slave, Toni Morrison pens a novel about a runaway slave and her children. Although Morrison’s â€Å"Beloved†quickly became a best-seller, and even has a movie adaption, it still left the audience with many unanswered questions. This novel not only gave a voice to those who were often silenced in the male stories of slavery, but it also perfectly exemplified the relationship was betweenRead MoreLove and Trauma: Exploring Magical Realism in Toni Morrison ´s Beloved843 Words  | 3 Pages Toni Morrison uses a variety of literary techniques in the novel Beloved, however, the most dominant technique is that of magical realism. The term magical realism was created in the early twentieth century, originally to describe a new style in German painting, but later applied to Latin American fiction (Faris 1). This technique blends realistic narrative with supernatural elements in such a way the reader does not question the impossibility of these events. Magical realism is used in this novelRead MoreToni Morrisons Beloved Essay868 Words  | 4 Pagessubstantial damage to a person’s psychological development. Linda Krumholz in the African American Review claims the book Beloved by Toni Morrison aids the nation in the recovery from our traumatic history that is blemished with unfortunate occurrences like slavery and intolerance. While this grand effect may be true, one thing that is absolute is the lesson this book preaches. Morrison’s basic message she wanted t he reader to recognize is that life happens, people get hurt, but to let the negative experiencesRead MoreWell-known American Author Toni Morrison1182 Words  | 5 PagesToni Morrison (named Chloe Anthony Wofford at birth) was born in Lorain, Ohio, on February 18, in 1931, to Ramah (nà ©e Willis) and George Wofford. She is the second child of four in a middle-class family. As a child, Morrison read frequently; her favorite authors were Jane Austen and Leo Tolstoy. Morrisons father told her many folktales of the black community (something that would later be apart of Morrisons works). Morrison is a well known American author, editor, and professor who won the Nobel
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Mirroring Characters In Wuthering Heights - 1895 Words
Throughout life there will be times when someone would feel betrayed that would cause them to seek for revenge. That way they would feel they are taking matters in their own hands, and giving them a feeling of satisfaction. However, satisfaction would only be temporary, after harming people they love, it ends up causing them and whoever relates to the problem, pain. In Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, the protagonist, Heathcliff was abused throughout his life and was betrayed by his love. That is what caused him to seek revenge to whoever had done him wrong. He thought there he would get stratification, but that just end up bring pain to him and whoever that was was part of the problem and to the future generation as well. Bronte†¦show more content†¦For Heathcliff, even though he was the one that plot the revenge he was the one also in pain because he was creating pain to the person he loved. Since his lover betrayed him. In chapter 3, it shows the present when Heathclif f is in pain, calling for the person he loved. ‘â€Å"Come in! Come in!†. he sobbed. â€Å"Cathy, do come. Oh. Do once more! Oh! My heart’s darling! hear me this time, Catherine, at last!†(p.30). Heathcliff already did his revenge towards Catherine, and thinking it would satisfy him, but it didn t. Instead throughout the years, he had been thinking of Catherine and hope he could see her. The revenge that Heathcliff plotted, it also affected Hareton. Since Hindley was abused Heathcliff which caused Heathcliff to cause his son to become a servant like what Hindley did to him. Since Hareton became a servant it caused him to lack in education. Since he is in the bottom of the social class it caused him to be vulnerable to be verbally abused by Linton. In chapter 17, it explains how Hareton was suppose to be the one inherit Wuthering Heights, but he wasn t since Heathcliff revenge toward Hindley was to get all his money which allows him to become the owner of Wuthering Heights. â€Å"In that manner Hareton, who should now be the first gentleman in the neighborhood†¦ dependence on his father’s inveterate enemy, and lives in his own house as a servant, deprived of the advantage of wages and quiteShow MoreRelatedThe Sinusoidal Nature Of Generations1310 Words  | 6 PagesThe Sinusoidal Nature of Generations Emily Bronte’s melodramatic sensational novel, Wuthering Heights, is a heart-rending love story illustrated by a spectator narration. The story consumes the life of two romantic â€Å"soul mates†predestined to never ultimately be together and the impact of their lives on those who surround them. Each novel follows an undefined different story of a sole family. Gabriel Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude explores comparable themes as those in Bronte’s novel unravelingRead MoreStructure and Narrative Technique in Wurthering Heights and Return of the Native1154 Words  | 5 Pagesserious revision, `Wuthering Heights would have ultimately appeared as more baffling to Victorian readership. Here most of the action has passed before the novel begins, which causes a string of narrators to be used for various effect. We are rarely given differing viewpoints on the same event, and, combined with the almost anti-chronological nature of `Wuthering Heights, the story is often seen as difficult to interpret. The fact that Bronte does not comment directly upon her characters allows us toRead MoreAn Analysis Of Wuthering Heights 1432 Words  | 6 PagesLifelong Immaturity Wuthering Heights’s Catherine Earnshaw is infamous for her complex character, some arguing that she is egocentric and manipulative, others sympathizing with the difficult choices she is faced with. However, there is no doubt that she is innately childish. As Catherine grows older, her character is not changed; she remains juvenile and selfish, making everything a game that revolves around her and not empathizing with other characters and their needs - subconsciously orRead MoreThe Everlasting Child : Wuthering Heights1832 Words  | 8 PagesThe Everlasting Child Wuthering Heights’s Catherine Earnshaw is infamous for her complex character, some arguing that she is manipulative, others sympathizing with the difficult choices she is faced with. However, there is no doubt that she is innately childish. As Catherine grows older, her character is not changed; she remains juvenile and selfish, making everything a game that revolves around her. In a sense, her mindset never progresses past one of a child. As Sigmund Freud wrote inRead MoreThe Everlasting Child : Wuthering Heights1832 Words  | 8 PagesThe Everlasting Child Wuthering Heights’s Catherine Earnshaw is infamous for her complex character, some arguing that she is manipulative, others sympathizing with the difficult choices she is faced with. However, there is no doubt that she is innately childish. As Catherine grows older, her character is not changed; she remains juvenile and selfish, making everything a game that revolves around her. In a sense, her mindset never progresses past one of a child. As Sigmund Freud wrote inRead MoreFeminism, Narrative And Psychoanalysis1991 Words  | 8 Pagessecond modus operandi is the ‘translation of narrative plot into psychoanalytic life history’ (Maggie Humm). I intend to contextualize Mitchell’s reading of the trajectory of Catherine’s life, as a psychoanalytic attempt at textual metaphor in Wuthering Heights – a novel with complex constructions of gender identity and repression. Mitchell begins by establishing an inextricable link between two seemingly-disjoint fields–literary narratives and psychoanalysis. She observes that psychoanalysisRead MoreAbuse of Power in Heart of Darkness and in Frankenstein1614 Words  | 7 Pagesthat he is distancing himself from his work to avoid racist claims that comments like this are inevitably going to provoke, however during the period that Conrad wrote the book (the late 1890s) framed narratives were very popular, -for example wuthering heights- and one could argue that he is simply writing in accordance with the fashions at the time of the book’s conception. However one can conclude that the use of the framed narrative shows that Conrad is abusing his power as the novelist, particularlyRead MoreEssay on Creating and Maintaining Suspense in Great Expectations2943 Words  | 12 Pagesmade the Dickens family fall down the social class ladder and become very poor. While Charless father was in prison, he died this meant that Charles had a very traumatic childhood. This childhood has featured in many of Dickenss books through characters, for example, Great Expectations involves crime, class, London and bad family life, Charles experienced all of these things as a child. Also as a child Dickenss experienced both classes - rich and poor, as Pip does in Great Expectations.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Overall Economic Implications of the Recent Policy-Free-Samples
Question: With reference to a piece of international/local news, an economics textbook or book, a government policy leaflet or an internet website, apply an economic theory that you have learnt in this course to the behavior, policy or phenomenon (at least one) mentioned in the news, textbook, book or internet website. Answer: The economy of a country as well as the overall global economic dynamics are considerably effected by the policy frameworks of the countries. With the increasing integration of the economies across the globe, owing to the phenomena like Globalization, Liberalization of the commercial sectors of the economies across the world and technological and infrastructural innovations, trade and commerce linkages have developed significantly among different countries, thereby having considerable implications on the productive, industrial as well as the overall economic wellbeing of the countries specifically and of the world as a whole. However, inter country trading activities may have positive as well as negative implications on the trading economies. On the positive side, while it gives rise to an overall cost effectiveness, efficiency and increase in the global production of different goods and services, on the negative sides, the import export activities often threaten the domestic industries to some extent. Keeping this into consideration, the essay tries to discuss the implications of the recent policy of increasing import tariff on steel and aluminium in the USA, as has been signed by the President of the country in March, 2018, on the overall economy of the country, taking reference of the news article titled 3 More Ways You May Not Realize That Tariffs Will Hurt Jobs, published in Forbes on March 6, 2018 (Sherman, 2018). The concerned article by Erik Sherman, tries to discuss the overall economic implications of the recent policy taken by the government of the USA. Under the framework of the said policy, the government has imposed 25% import tariff on steel and 10% on the aluminium resources which are imported by the country from all the trading partner countries except Canada and Mexico. The main objective, as has been stated by the President of the United States of America, behind the implication of such a restricted trade policy, has been the agenda of the government of the country to protect the domestic producers of steel and aluminium, who have been facing immense competition from the other global producers of steel and aluminium, in terms of competitive efficiency and price of the products. These specifically had threatened the jobs in the metal producing industries in Pennsylvania and the iron mining industry in Minnesota. However, the impacts of the increased import tariff policy, though may be to some extent positive for the concerned industry operating in the domestic framework, may have greater and more serious long term negative implications on the overall economic scenario of the country, which can be explained with the help of the pivotal concepts of price elasticity of demand of goods and services and that of production cost in economic theories. In terms of economic theories, the concept of price elasticity of demand refers to the degree of responsiveness of the demand of any kind of commodity or service, due to a unit change in the price levels of the commodity itself or of the related commodities or services ("Essential Foundations of Economics", 2018). On the other hand, in economics, the cost of production of any goods or services considerably depend on the price of the inputs required for the same, which in turn reflects towards the efficiency and competitiveness in the production process of the commodities. In this context, as argues by the concerned article, there remains 80 jobs in different companies in the USA, using steel or aluminium in their production to every single job in those companies in the country which manufacture steel or aluminium. This indicates towards the fact that steel and aluminium are heavily used as raw materials for the production of different commodities in the country itself and an increase in the import tariff of the same leading to an increase in the price, is expected to contribute significantly in increasing the cost of production of those companies, thereby decreasing their supply (Baumol Blinder, 2015). Figure 1: Decrease in supply (Source: As created by the author) As can be seen from the above figure, this decrease in supply is expected to increase the price of the final products. Most of the products produced in the country, using steel as raw materials, are mainly vehicles, electronics and others, of which many can be categorised under luxury goods or goods which are not of absolute necessity, thereby having higher price elasticity of demand. This, with the increase in the price may force the consumers to opt for the commodities produced by foreign producers, thereby hampering the local producers significantly (Bown Crowley, 2014). To avoid this the local producers may also outsource their manufacturing activities to other countries with lower trade and productive restrictions, in which case, the employment sectors of the country is going to be affected adversely. Thus, from the above discussion, it can be asserted, with the help of the economic concepts of price elasticity of demand and cost of production, that the import restricting policy, taken by the USA to boost up the domestic producers of steel and aluminium, may actually lead to a greater production crunch in the economy as a whole, which may lead to shifting of customers preferences as well as outsourcing of manufacturing activities of the local producers, thereby affecting the productivity and employment generation in the economy adversely in the long run. References Baumol, W. J., Blinder, A. S. (2015).Microeconomics: Principles and policy. Cengage Learning. Bown, C. P., Crowley, M. A. (2014). Emerging economies, trade policy, and macroeconomic shocks.Journal of Development Economics,111, 261-273. Essential Foundations of Economics. (2018) Retrieved 19 March 2018, from Sherman, E. (2018).3 More Ways You May Not Realize That Tariffs Will Hurt Retrieved 19 March 2018, from
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Social Hedonism free essay sample
In the world of ethics many people will argue that there is only one way to go. Reading for Monday 10/15/2012 Seaman Holmes, Ursula LeGuin Reading for Wednesday 10/17/2012 Nielson Williams What determines the value of a good? Our society tends to argue the two; quality vs. quantity. You cannot have both. Try yourself to pick one theory and try to live your life by it.. Inconsistency can be a problem with values. Is it important to be consistent in determining ones values? In utilitarianism it is a very simple doctrine. The rightness or wrongness of actions is determined by the goodness or badness of the consequences of those actions. Referred to as the â€Å"greatest happiness theory. †Egoistic vs. Non-egoistic Hedonism, a school of thought where a person is pursuing pleasure, or pleasantness. It could be nothing extreme, because extreme pain would lead to extreme pain. The ideal view is intellectual and not just physical. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Hedonism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The pursuit of pleasure in moderation, and comes to one intellectually. (as seen by the greeks) philosophical pleasure. Ideal Utilitarianism, goodness or badness depends on other things then pleasantness. Experiencing beauty and knowledge come into play when trying to determine the right or wrong thing to do. Its not just looking at it for the pleasure sake Social Hedonism, tend to be Utilitarians. They are motivated to create the greatest pleasure for the greatest number. Quality of pleasure or quantity of pleasure? Some would argue that producing pleasure for 1/3 and not 2/3 that the greatest pleasure would go in favor of the 1/3 and not the majority. Again either quantity or quality. Bentham is quantity (Benton has t’s in his name) Mill is quality.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Biotherm in business Essay Example
Biotherm in business Essay Example Biotherm in business Paper Biotherm in business Paper In business, the term marketing (marketers) and sales (salesperson) are often interchangeable. In fact, they have different role in an organization but they are complementary. According to Philip Kotler, marketers are those who have role to define value of a product using the perspective of customers; in this perspective, modern enterprises are moving closer and closer to the concept of marketing based management. It is then reasonable that, nowadays, enterprises pay great attention to marketing issues in order to smooth the sales. Concerning the marketing issue, this paper will elaborate marketing challenges of Biotherm, manufacturers offering skin-care programs that owned by LOreal. The discussion includes the vision and branding for Biotherm, 2. Vision and branding for Biotherm – is the vision and branding strategy for Biotherm mainly global or local? Explain and give examples. Concerning Biotherm vision and branding, the company practices the approach of strengthening the product leadership. Biotherm constantly active new product development projects because of several reasons. First, the product of the company has a very short natural life cycle. The industry of cosmetics is a very actively changing industry. One of the reasons of such characteristics is because it is an industry driven by style, fashion and trends, some of the most complicated phenomena of culture that changes rapidly and constantly. Second, the company has a very vast market segment. It sold millions of products to customers in different countries and diverse cultures. Some product segment is aiming at young women as future customers, another is aiming at business women, and some skin products are even aiming at male customers. Having diverse product segments means having diverse customers with different preferences. In order to gain revenues from local and foreign markets Biotherm need to satisfy each local needs and preferences. For instance, Asian people might have significantly different requirements for their cosmetics compare to American customers. This enhances the importance of having an actively operating team of product development. 3. Maslow Hierarchy of Needs According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, comfort in the workplace, achievement in work and appreciation are considered more significant then financial needs. However, in most ‘real’ situations, job seekers still value a good salary more than convenience at work. In short, there are several points that describe the importance of a good financial reward system. ? Financial compensation is a major factor that attracts and retains employees to an organization. ? A good compensation system increases employee retention, decrease turnover rate and save the company all the replacement costs created by a high turnover rate. 4. Marketing communication Cosmetics industry is interesting since women as the main consumers have different taste, which drive manufacturers to produce various kinds of cosmetics like eye shadow, foundation, lipstick, and mascara etc, each with different color, shape and price. There are several current issues affecting the cosmetic industry. Some of those issues are: Internet marketing Internet use as sales channel and system infrastructure is increasingly important within recent years. Several reports exhibit that the use of internet has increased efficiency and product sales for cosmetic companies. Corporate Responsibility Issues (CSR) Despite some doubts from the public that CSR is only a tool of company propaganda, several aspects of CSR produce real influence on the cosmetic industry. Animal testing Animal testing also becomes important issue in cosmetics industry. Recently, the European Union, for example, announces its decision to ban animal testing on cosmetics products, which immediately raise pros and contras.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Convert Liters to Milliliters
How to Convert Liters to Milliliters The liter and the milliliter are both key units of volume in the metric system. The method for converting liters to milliliters is demonstrated in this worked example problem. How Many Milliliters in a Liter? The key to working a liter to milliliter problem (or vice versa) is to know the conversion factor. There are 1000 milliliters in each liter. Because this is a factor of 10, you dont actually have to break out the calculator to do a conversion. You can simply move the decimal point. Move it three spaces to the right to convert liters to milliliters (e.g., 5.442 L 5443 ml) or three spaces to the left to convert milliliters to liters (e.g., 45 ml 0.045 L). Problem How many milliliters are in a 5.0-liter canister? Solution 1 liter 1000 mL Set up the conversion so the desired unit will be cancelled out. In this case, we want mL to be the remaining unit. Volume in mL (Volume in L) x (1000 mL/1 L) Volume in mL 5.0 L x (1000 mL/1 L) Volume in mL 5000 mL Answer There are 5000 mL in a 5.0-liter canister. Check your answer to make sure it makes sense. There are 1000 times more milliliters than liters, so the milliliter number should be much greater than the liter number. Also, since we are multiplying by a factor of 10, the value of the digits wont change. Its only a matter of moving the decimal point.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Irelands Governmental Policies on the Iris Republican Army Essay
Irelands Governmental Policies on the Iris Republican Army - Essay Example Their land was confiscated and distributed amongst the British soldiers as the promised recompense. To have a firm social and political control over the newly annexed territories, British rule adopted a unique policy of 'plantation' of settlers from England, Wales and Scotland, with far-reaching consequences. All classes of settlers brought their kith and kin to Ireland banishing the native Catholic population into the mountains. The Protestant settler thus marginalized Catholic Irish Nationalists and grew into the majority community mainly in Northern Ireland. In about 65 years the Catholic population was reduced to almost a quarter (Appendix 'A') 2. The end result was foisting a foreign community on the northern parts of Ireland, which spoke a different language, represented an alien culture and way of life who enforced repugnant land laws. With the partition of the island in 1921 Ulster became a Protestant dominated area while the rest of the island was having Catholic majority. This created the 'triple minority' scenario (Cunningham 9) 3, a verdant ground for social conflicts. The native Catholics found themselves a minority in the newly created Northern Ireland, while Protestants turned into a minority in the Republic of Ireland as a whole. None wish to lose their domination and to avoid becoming a minority opposed formation of Republic of Ireland. And finally, within the United Kingdom as such, the Irish were a minority compared to the English majority. Thus a 'triple minority' scenario was shaping the future course of events. Such a situation instills fear of victimization in any minority community. The seeds of the conflict were thus sown in the fertile plantations of Ulster during early 18th century where incongruous groups of people cohabited backstabbing one another. The Stakeholders There are many organizations involved with the destiny of the British Isles. A study of them will be useful to fully understand their role in the conflict. These interested groups can be broadly divided into three - The British Govt., The Unionists and The Nationalists. Unionists. They believed in a unified nation of the 'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Irelandand' and opposed Home Rule but eventually settled for the state of Northern Ireland. The unionist main political party was the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP), which ruled Northern Ireland from 1921 to 1972. Another political outfit was the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), which was extremely anti-nationalist but was not very popular with the voters. Both were against the involvement of the Irish Republic in Northern Ireland affairs and were not willing to share power with non-Unionist parties. Later stages they were also highly suspicion of Britain's motives in Northern Ireland. Nationalists. The Nationalists believed in a unified Ireland. Their main political party was the Social Democratic and Labor Party (SDLP), which contested the Nationalist vote bank with Sinn Fein, the political arm of the militant Irish Republican Army (IRA). The SDLP accepted the constitutional stipulation requiring majority support of Northern Ireland for unification. The other nationalist party Sinn Fein, which greatly influenced the course of events, believed in violent
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