Thursday, August 27, 2020
Marketing Plan For The Bank Of America Marketing Essay
Promoting Plan For The Bank Of America Marketing Essay Bank of America (BoA) is one of the universes biggest budgetary establishments and holding organizations. It has accomplished this by means of a blend of key business and showcasing choices which empowered it to extend to cover over 75% of the United States populace and 44% of the countrys high total assets family units for a sum of 55 million shopper and independent venture customers. The showcasing plan of BoA is exceptionally point by point to oblige the numerous items and administrations the bank offers the U.S. what's more, worldwide buyer. Rivalry inside the U.S. banking industry is wild with various huge banks in the commercial center including JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, and HSBC, all contribution comparable items and administrations to the U.S. populace. Advancement among the financial business is hard to accomplish and consequently uncommon yet BoA, through its prior interest in administrations innovative work, is very much situated to progressively extend its piece of the overall industry. The banks solid circulation arrange, unequaled by any of its rivals, permits it to hold a solid market position in the U.S. furthermore, worldwide market which will permit it to withstand the current monetary emergency and discouraged financial conditions. Its fixation in the U.S. implies that its influenced by the developments in the U.S. economy. For instance, during the monetary emergency the bank supported overwhelming misfortunes due to the subprime showcase presentation which put a lot of weight on edges and dissolved the banks capital. Its capacity to rapidly reimburse its administration credits obtained by means of the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) shows the banks mindful and reasonable way to deal with capital administration and profit strategy subsequently further reinforcing its dissolvability position. In spite of having just expanded its piece of the pie of U.S. stores under government law, BoA despite everything has various development openings accessible. These incorporate its charge card and liking promoting activities, its riches the executives business through its securing of Merrill Lynch and its home loan division through the obtaining of Countrywide Financial Corporation. These chances anyway will be dependent upon pending government measures and guidelines due to be created because of the ongoing money related financial emergency. The banks primary goal is to rule the American retail banking segment and endeavor to turn into a market chief by getting the biggest piece of the overall industry through better an incentive for cash banking items, better client administrations, customized banking arrangements that suit client needs and high advancement spending. It optionally plans to extend its image into worldwide markets and become a general bank. BoA has decided to situate itself as an all-American brand, with sponsorships and items that incorporate NASCAR and Major League Baseball. Given that banks basically sell similar administrations and items, separation is important to increase an upper hand by giving the purchaser advertise more prominent incentives. Advancement among the financial business is hard to accomplish and uncommon yet BoA, through its prior interest in administrations innovative work, has altered banking by giving inventive items, for example, the Keep the Change battle, full client support branches and progressed internet banking offices. The essential item that BoA centers around advancing is its image. By making brand mindfulness, the bank intends to construct purchasers certainty and trust and in this way oblige their necessities as an optional methodology by offering items and administrations including: The bank dispenses $2.3 billion to its promoting financial plan, and that sum is relied upon to develop (Anne Saunders, Brand and Advertising Executive Oct 2008). Publicizing efforts have been realigned to coordinate clients worries about banking. Usage is as a rule on a yearly premise which guarantees that before the second period of the undertaking is secured, the assets discharged for the main stage must be represented completely. This helps check the misappropriation of assets. The usage of the market plan in stages likewise empowers the speculators to screen the advancement of the business at various degrees of development. Control BoA utilize a consistent estimating process utilizing a dashboard approach adjusting the basic components in the showcasing blend that appear to do the most and have the most effect for our image, in any case, explicitly, for item sales㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦ BoA is profoundly saturated with Six Sigma we are persistently leading an estimation process㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦ we plan; we test; we actualize; we break down; and we refine (Anne Finucane, Chief Marketing Officer, Bank of America). Consumer loyalty and criticism is estimated by means of branch and online polls, input structures, media reports and brand faithfulness connected to item and administration use. BoA continually surveys Return On venture (ROI) on every item as far as productivity by client, fragment, area and unit just as contrasting the best utilization of media options. In 2007, BoA presented a brand situating and slogan with a completely incorporated showcasing approach Bank of America The Bank of Opportunity. This was the most recent crusade in the banks showcasing history. Its progressing triumphs, notwithstanding the financial blasts and busts, can be ascribed to its examination techniques, advancement, item improvement, client division, deals preparing, and corporate social duty.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Australian Tax Manual Suggested Solutions â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Talk About The Australian Tax Manual Suggested Solutions? Answer: Inttroducation Under the present guidelines, OK of-utilization resources are characterized same as other non-money related resources and are itemized in a critical position Sheet under Property, Plant and Equipment. The rent liabilities are likewise treated as other monetary liabilities. This permits the resident to charge deterioration of a right-of-utilization resource as a deductible cost alongside the intrigue paid on the rent risk. Also, as specified under IAS 7, the resident bifurcates the installment and shows it as Principal and Interest Payment in the yearly articulation of incomes, affirm Ault, Arnold Gest, (2010). In spite of the fact that the tenant should regard a rent resource as an option to-utilize resource, the framework has not been compelling in checking this and tenant elements are estimating all rent resources and liabilities on the current worth premise, like Property, Plant and Equipment. The estimation doesn't mull over the discretionary rent time frames, nor does it clarify the alternatives of broadening or ending the rent. In almost all such cases, the underlying estimation of the rent resource rises to the estimation of rent risk appeared in Balance Sheet, according to Wilmot, (2012). New IFRS Operating Lease RulesTop of Form The new IFRS rules propose a basic move in perceiving lease resources and liabilities through execution of IFRS 16, which express that a resident, who has renting resources, should show such resources and liabilities under a different head to be determined Sheet. Changes on the Companys Balance Sheet IFRS 16 will wipe out the present arrangement of working leases or account leases for the resident. Rather, the tenant will regard all leases as Finance Leases in the wake of applying IAS 17. Leases will be promoted and will be appeared, either independently as Lease Assets or with Property, Plant and Equipment, subtleties Hanks, (2007). IFRS 16 and Companys Income Statement The resident will no longer order its leases either as working or account leases. IFRS 16, which replaces IAS 17 from 1 January 2019, will have the accompanying two arrangements: Existing Finance Leases: These will keep on being recorded as Finance Leases. Existing Operating Leases: These will have the choice to decide on a full or restricted rehashing according to the prerequisites of IFRS 16. Renter utilizing IFRS 16 won't be required to perceive those advantages and liabilities which are (a) transient leases of 12months or less and (b) leases of low-esteem resources, for example, a PC. Impact on Marvin Co. Ltd. The contextual investigation of Marvin Co. Ltd. is for the year finished 31 December 2016. Since the change from the present framework to executing IFRS 16 will come into power from 1 January 2019, the administration isn't obliged to utilize the new rules for settling this Balance Sheet. An examination of the circumstance for the present Balance Sheet of Marvin Co. Ltd. has been given in Appendix A toward the finish of this paper. IAS 37: Provisions Contingent Liabilities Right now utilized Standard IAS 37 has set the rules for perceiving and estimating: Arrangements Provisionrefers to liabilities which are of dubious planning or sum. Use ofuncertain hereis of significance in light of the fact that in situations where time and sum become certain, at that point the installment isn't considered as an arrangement yet is alluded to either as payable or accumulation. Unexpected Liabilities Acontingent liabilityis either a potential obligationwhich emerges from a past occasion and should be affirmed by a future occasion or is a current commitment, emerging from a past occasion, yet either: the outpouring of certain financial advantages for fulfilling this commitment isnot probableor the measure of the commitment can't be dependably estimated, says Marsden, (2010). Outline With the presentation of IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers, the greater part of the Retail and Consumer Product substances may need to change certain parts of their bookkeeping standards for income, as portrayed by Nethercott, Devos Richardson, (2010). This new income acknowledgment standard, which is being actualized together by the International Accounting Standards Board (the IASB) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (the FASB) is proposing to supplant all past income acknowledgment rules under IFRS. The norm, which will happen for the yearly announcing periods beginning on or after 1 January 2017 is likewise permitting an early selection. IFRS 15 will manage all income which emerges from contracts with clients and will influence each one of those substances which go into contracts for giving products or administrations to their clients, says Renton, (2012) IFRS 15 will be utilized for all exchanges which are basic in the retail and customer items part, including those constrained by licenses and establishment game plans and which manage offer of products which accompany option to-return. Choices allowed to clients incorporate Material Returns or Consideration Payment and these are a portion of the territories which might be secured under the new standard. It is in light of a legitimate concern for the elements managing in buyer merchandise, which have considerable sums attached to Warranties should begin their fundamental evaluation of the effects as ahead of schedule as could reasonably be expected, with the goal that the administration and the records groups can plan towards usage of IFRS 15,explain Deutsch et al, (2011). Impact on Marvin Co. Ltd. In spite of the fact that the effect, both money related and regulatory, will fluctuate from substance to element, it is to the greatest advantage of Marvin to begin an assessment of the prerequisites required for executing IFRS 15. Despite the fact that the contextual investigation of Marvin Co. Ltd. is for the year finished 31 December 2016 and IFRS 15 is to come into power from 1 January 2017, the sheets are permitting an early execution. An investigation of the circumstance for the present Balance Sheet of Marvin Co. Ltd. has been given in Appendix A toward the finish of this paper. Revaluation of Fixed Assets Arevaluationof the fixedassetsis such an activity which should be completed precisely, in order to give in detail the genuine estimation of the capital resources claimed by a business. This should be recognized from the arranged deterioration process in which the recorded decrease in the estimation of anassetis determined based on its age, as indicated by Smith Koken, (2011). Revaluation Reserve on the Balance Sheet Revaluation saves are actuallyRevaluation Surplus Reserves and these emerge when estimation of a capital resource gets more prominent than that esteem at which it was presented from the previousbalance sheet and it builds the investor reserves. This increase, got from therevaluationis known as Revaluation Surplus Reserve. On the off chance that therevaluedasset is not, at this point being used in the business, the remainingrevaluation surplusis in the end credited to the Retained Earnings Account in a critical position sheet of the element. Revaluation Surplus as Income In the event that the revaluation of the benefit creates a lessening in the conveyed forward measure of the capital resource, at that point the abatement is reflected through the benefit or loss of the element. Be that as it may, if there should be an occurrence of a credit equalization of the revaluation excess, decline the far reaching salary so as to balance the credit balance, clarify Reimer, Urban Schmid (ed.), (2011). Reasonable Value of Assets The InternationalAccountingStandards Board (IASB) definesfair estimation of an assetas a sum at which a benefit could be traded among learned and consenting partakers in an a manageable distance exchange. IAS 16:Property, Plant and Equipmentis utilized for sketching out bookkeeping treatment to be given to an assortment of property, plant and gear which are most regularly utilized in a business. The being used Property, Plant and Equipment is resolved at first at its cost esteem and is along these lines controlled by utilizing either the expense or the revaluation model. This is then deteriorated in such a way, that the measure of devaluation is assigned on an equivalent and deliberate premise over the all out helpful existence of the benefit. IAS 16 was re-given with impact from December 2003 and has since been being used for the yearly time frames starting on or after 1 January 2005, as definite by Reimer, Urban Schmid (ed.), (2011). The unit of measure, utilized for acknowledgment of a capital resource has not been characterized under IAS 16. Henceforth, what establishes as a thing under the head of Property, Plant and Equipment in a Balance Sheet isn't characterized in IAS 16.9, in any case, each piece of a thing of Property, Plant and Equipment, having an expense and which is noteworthy according to the all out expense of that thing, should be devalued independently, as clarified under IAS 16.43. IAS 16 itself perceives that specific pieces of a thing, appeared under the Property, Plant and Equipment, can be exposed to substitution at customary interims. In this way, the conveying measure of the thing appeared under Property, Plant and Equipment, likewise incorporates the expense of supplanting such a piece of the thing. The conveying measure of such parts, which have been supplanted, is derecognised according to the de-acknowledgment arrangements given under IAS 16.67-72, says Wilmot, (2012). Impact on Marvin Co. Ltd. Despite the fact that the effect, both money related and regulatory, will shift from element to substance, it is to the greatest advantage of Marvin to begin an assessment of the necessities required for executing IFRS 16. An examination of the circumstance for the present Balance Sheet of Marvin Co. Ltd. has been given in Appendix A toward the finish of this paper. Remuneration Payments Unsecured Creditors The principal level of unsecuredcreditorsare the individuals who are qualified for get cash from the organization, however their cases are notsecuredor ensured. This gathering of creditorsincludes: bank lenders,employees, the administration (charges), providers and financial specialists who have unbound bonds, asper Ault, Arnold Gest, (2010). Now and again, the specialists permit the wellbeing test under which the indebted person is required topayall thecreditors in full
Friday, August 21, 2020
Top 4 Link Building Strategies That Work Well in 2018
Top 4 Link Building Strategies That Work Well in 2018 Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Top 4 Link Building Strategies That Work Well in 2018Updated On 13/04/2018Author : Ram kumarTopic : SEOShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogThe Internet evolves and Google protocols change all the time. That’s why SEO strategies that used to be effective last year can become near to useless now. So in order to have your website rank high, you have to adapt, and adopting these link building strategies will definitely do the trick in 2018.Best Link Building Strategies to Use in 2018Publishing original data and researchThe best kind of links is the one from reputed pages citing your website as a source of relevant information. These links do not only boost your SEO but also attract relevant traffic and increase your credibility.To get these links you’ll need to publish original data and research that others will cite in their posts. This method isn’t cheap, but the rewards are numerous. Choose the topics of the studies/surveys/infographics you found carefully to be sure that they are relevant for the current trends in the industry.To get more links from your original research you need to not only publish it in relevant journals and on PubMed or similar databases. You should also create and publish complementary content and promote it as you usually do your other posts. A few press releases and guest posts are a must.Publish interviews (or at least mention influencers)Leveraging personalities that are popular with your target audience is a great way to attract some traffic. In fact, an original interview with some industry celebrity can boost your traffic so much, you’ll need to prep your servers in advance. Bear in mind that you should stay up to date on web hosting news. This way, you’ll be able to keep your websites hosted at the best servers and get the best plans at discount prices due to the promotions h osting services often run.If you can’t get an exclusive interview or at least an opinion from important industry influencers, you can some SEO credits for simply mentioning them in a post. Be sure to design your content layout wisely to highlight the personality mentioned. This way, the post will attract traffic from those looking for info about this person.READ5 SEO Mistakes To Be Careful OfPost videosOne of the best link building strategies for 2018 is using videos because they currently are the hottest content format. You can cash in links on them in two ways:Self-host the videos on your own website (again, be sure to get a suitable hosting deal with lots of bandwidth). You can promote them like all your content through social media, guest posts, etc.Post videos on your YouTube channel and use YouTube Analytics to find websites that have embedded your clip. Contact them to ask for a backlink and establish contact as you can never have too much networking. You can also use backl ink checking solutions, like MonitorBacklinks to keep an eye on who uses your videos.Browse popular blogs for broken linksOne of the highly-effective but underestimated link building strategies is surveying popular industry websites for broken links. This method requires a lot of work and offers no guarantees. However, you should add it to your arsenal as it has great potential.It works like this:You survey popular posts on relevant websites using tools like Check My Links.When you notice a broken link, you contact the blog owner to alert them to the problem and pitch forward your own post on the same topic.This might seem far-fetched, but it gives you a chance to establish a good relationship with a popular blogger as well as get some quality links.Best Link Building Strategies for 2018: Final ThoughtsYou should always strive to use all link building methods you can so that you don’t miss a single chance. However, remember that in 2018 the quality of your links is much more impor tant than their quantity.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Shawshank Redemption A Comparison of the Short Story...
The Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King is both a wonderful film and a brilliantly written short story. There are many themes represented in each form of The Shawshank Redemption. The one major theme that interests me in both the film and the story is freedom. Freedom serves a large purpose for both the storys writer and the filmmaker. Both use similar examples to signify freedom, not only in the jail, but also in a larger context about life. There are many events and examples in both the film and the short story that signifies the theme of freedom. The one main difference is when the film uses the director’s technique to portray a feel of freedom for the inmates. The overall three issues used in this essay are all linked to the†¦show more content†¦Even though something bad happens to you, you should not become secluded and be depressed all of the time. Andy shows the reader that you must get busy living or get busy dying(movie) or you will loose your inner freedom. The other theme of freedom comes in both the film and the story, when Andy Dufresne got beer for all of the crew that tarred the prisons roof. In this example, even Red stated that the break lasted twenty minutes, the beer-break, and for those twenty minutes we felt like free men.(48) Red recalls that the crew felt such freedom that they could have been drinking beer and tarring the roof of one of our own houses.(48) This example serves the purposes of both the storys writer and the filmmaker because it shows the reader and/or viewer that this event happened because Andy wanted himself and his co-workers to feel freedom. This event occurred because he made business dealings with the hardest screw that ever walked a turn at the Shawshank State Prison (48). Andy was always known to have something different to him, a sense of his own worth, maybe, or a feeling that he would be the winner in the end... or maybe it was only a sense of freedom(48) which Andy could even manage to posse ss inside the prison. Andy always carried an inner light(48) inside of him, an inner light that burned for the dream of freedom. Andy got the beer for all his crew because he wanted the crew to have a sense of freedomShow MoreRelatedThe Shawshank Redemption Essays3087 Words  | 13 PagesThe Shawshank Redemption AQA, the examination board, has asked selected pupils to submit written reports on possible films to be studied for the media section of the GCSE English exam, specifically of the â€Å"The Shawshank Redemption†. Write this review, aiming to show detailed understanding of Darabont’s themes and techniques, writing in an interesting, thought-provoking way. _______________________________________________ â€Å"I suppose it comes down to a simple choiceRead MoreLiterature vs Film2194 Words  | 9 PagesArt vs. Art 1. Introduction Literature can, at times, have a fascinating connection with film. Whether it is a film or a piece of literature, both are written by someone that wants to leave an impact on an audience. However, movies and books have different roles. They each have different strong points: books give better characterization, stronger revelations and inner conflict, but movies create better mood with music and visuals/effects. You should always read the book first because itRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 PagesUsually, the involvement of several departments and professionals. Typically, doing something that has never been done before. Specific time, cost, and performance requirements. First, projects have a defined objectiveâ€â€whether it is constructing a 12-story apartment complex by January 1 or releasing version 2.0 of a specific software 6 Chapter 1 Modern Project Management package as quickly as possible. This singular purpose is often lacking in daily organizational life in which workers perform
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Legalization Of Prostitution Throughout America Essay
The Legalization of Prostitution in America The first thing that someone may think about when they hear the word prostitution is that it’s illegal but also dangerous. This is a completely fair claim to make, however if America legalized prostitution, it would be a completely different story. If there was to be a standard policy implemented that would ensure safety in all aspects, prostitution would no longer be viewed as a negative thing. Likewise, nobody would be forced into anything as opposed to those currently involved in the business. Prostitution in America should be legalized because if there was a standard policy, then there would be less health risks, no more danger for the girls involved, and regulations on the market. To start off, although many people are aware that Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Sexually Transmitted Infections are real most of them forget about the protection needed against any. The women and men involved in prostitution do not get to worry abo ut that kind of protection. The health risks involved are brutal and dangerous. â€Å"Sex-work communities around the world are in dire need of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment services†(Doyle 1). It is not unheard of that, the current prostitution rings do not care about these diseases, in fact â€Å"a meeting of sex workers held at the International AIDS Conference heard that the criminalization of the profession was fueling secretive transactions and unsafe sex practices, putting people at risk of HIV andShow MoreRelatedThe Legal And Social Implications Of Prostitution1039 Words  | 5 PagesThe legal and social implications of prostitution have been a topic of much concern over the past few decades. Although the issue has been heavily debated, a proper answer to its legalization or criminalization has not yet been defined in many countries throughout the world. While some view that â€Å"sex work†is a justifiable occupation that should be protected under hum an rights, others argue that it’s legalization would do more harm than good. According to the Health and Human Rights Journal (2014)Read MoreEssay on Legalization of Prostitution1607 Words  | 7 Pagesillegal in the United States, prostitution is still a strongly prevalent crime happening all across the nation. Currently, a person participating in the crime of prostitution will be charged with a misdemeanor (Liberator 2). People every single day are being charged with a misdemeanor for this specific crime. Statistically, it may even seem like this crime is being caught more often than other, more extreme crimes. Prostitution is a strongly enforced crime that costs America large sums of money (ChittomRead MoreMoral Or Immoral ! Should We Legalize Prostitution? Essay952 Words  | 4 Pagesor Immoral! Should we legalize prostitution? The analysis of the article; Learning from Nevada from the book The State of Sex. Tourism, Sex and Sin in the New American Heartland. Leads me to write about the social values, and moral values that contradict the acceptance of legalizing Prostitution within the United States. My opinion will be opposing the notion of any support in legalizing such immoral acts that threaten the moral fabric of the United States of America. So the issue is whether or notRead MoreAdvantages of Legalizing Prostitution1749 Words  | 7 PagesProstitution is known as the oldest profession and has been around for millenniums, dating back to Roman, Byzantine, Greek and Egyptian empires (Baldwin, 2004). The ancient cultures of those empires dealt with the needs of the group and consequently developed protocols for dealing with sexual relations that have propagated throughout time to the modern era. As a result, prostitution is prominent in society today. When analyzing the sex trade, the factors of cult ural precedence, philosophy, religionRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legal?1157 Words  | 5 PagesLegalizing Prostitution in Brothels Throughout America When someone says prostitution, the first couple things that probably come to mind are grimy girls that have ruined their lives with drugs sitting on a couch cracked out with a man they just met. Prostitutes are looked at as whores who cannot sustain a real career so they are forced to sell their bodies for sex. The prostitution industry is essentially just like any other service industry. The worker charges his or her customer for a serviceRead MoreWhy Prostitution Should Be Legalized1411 Words  | 6 PagesWhy Prostitution should be legalized We hear about it in the news almost daily; sex workers were using Craigslist to post ads in the (former) erotic service section, others are soliciting on Back Page. Human trafficking rings are being discovered all throughout the United States. Massage parlors are being used as a front for housing prostitution. Whether we want to address it or not, this is a prevalent social issue in our society today. Researchers Christine Harcourt, PhD, Research Fellow for theRead MoreAdvocate Research Paper1248 Words  | 5 Pagesthe U.S. In other countries, however, prostitution doesn’t carry the same negative connotation, as it does in the U.S. In Canada, The Netherlands, France, and many other countries, prostitution has been legal for some time now. Domestically, the counties surrounding Las Vegas are famous for being home to the only legal commercial fornication in the U.S. Still, to look at Nevada alone when discussing the subject would be to neglect the majority of prostitution th at occurs in the US. Illegal sex workRead MoreProstitution Should Be Legalized Within The United States1602 Words  | 7 PagesKnown globally as â€Å"The world’s oldest profession†, a prostitute can give you quite the bang for your buck! Prostitution should be legalized within the United States of America for numerous reasons, some of which including decrease in rape and diseases, adding a nice little boost to our economy, and generally reducing violence against women of the night. Even though prostitution can be very dangerous, many women choose that path. If you re strapped for cash and don’t have many options don’t worryRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Beneficial For Our Nation?1176 Words  | 5 PagesProstitution is one of the oldest occupations of all time. Brothels have always been around since ancient times. So this deviant act is nothing new in the world we live in today. Prostitution shouldn’t be deemed deviant. Prostitution is often said to be the oldest profession, and there is a lot of evidence that this is true. The earliest texts we have reference prostitutes, either sacred ones working for a temple or common street prostitutes. Throughout the Bible, prostitutes played greater or lesserRead MoreProstitution Should Be Legalized Essay1422 Words  | 6 Pages Prostitution is the act of selling ones body for any type of sexual intercourse in exchange for money. Today, both men and women are willingly and forcefully engaged into the industry of sex and prostitution. It is most common for young teenage girls to be involved into this industry rather than a male or older woman. There are several different ways to how individuals are first brought into prostitution. One way is to be kidnapped and forcefully put on to the streets by a Guerilla Pimp. Guerilla
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about The Happiness Project Analysis - 1000 Words
Happiness is not a strange term to us. We usually use that word to express our feelings in every day. Additionally, more than a word, â€Å"happiness†is what we really need and always seek in life. However, finding and understanding deeply its meaning is not easy. The online dictionary, â€Å"†defines, â€Å"Happiness is a sense of well-being, joy, or contentment. When people are successful, or safe, or lucky, they feel happiness.†Thus, we always wonder if we are happy or how could we be happier in our life. Happiness, therefore, becomes a goal for everybody. Everyone has their own way to find happiness. As it is a feeling, each of us has our own range and different definitions about this term. We know that there are many joyful things†¦show more content†¦Happiness is a result that we deserved, furthermore, it becomes a motivation for us to keep trying and getting success in life. Essentially, seeking happiness is necessary in life. We often hope to find happiness from other people, other things around us and forget that we can create it by ourselves. The novel â€Å"The happiness project†by Gretchen Rubin is sufficient evidence. The author states, â€Å"I am happy – but I’m not as happy as I should be.†(13) Then she started a project within a year to change her life and seek for a happier life. By making a list of things she has to do in the next twelve months, the author have done many things which affects her â€Å"Vitality†(1), her â€Å"Marriage†(38), her â€Å"Leisure†(112), her â€Å"Friendship†(141),etc. positively so that she can achieve her goal, which is a life full filed of happiness as she dreamed before. We can also do that. We know that if everyone of us set a goal and live purposely, we are all happy. However, we can be happier if we know how to change ourselves on the right way. We can make ourselves happy by doing simple things in our everyday life. For example, we should reward ourselves with a small gift when we got works done. Moreover, there are many other ways for us to find happiness. Social media and entertainments can help. Many reality shows, TV programs, comedy films are produced with the main goal are helping people to be happy. Although we have manyShow MoreRelatedpaper1032 Words  | 4 PagesTraditional Utilitarianism Traditional utilitarianism is a theory of the good and the right. It defends that the greatest good is happiness and freedom from pain and suffering. According to utilitarianism only one action is right in the final analysis. The things we do that produces happiness is morally right and the things we do that reduce this happiness is morally wrong. 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Secondary Data: Read MorePlan to Increase Team Motivation, Satisfaction and Performance1062 Words  | 5 Pagesand Performance Understanding how motivation drives for team performance is an advantage for most managers and team leaders within an organization. For a specific team that has a one-year project to complete, this advantage becomes critical to enhance team performance throughout different periods of the project. A motive is associated with a reason for conducting an action. The way the action is takes place, explains the level of satisfaction a team member has within the group. Stark and Bierly (2009)Read MoreThe Ethical Issues Of Darby s Whistle Blowing Decision736 Words  | 3 Pagesdisobeying military orders should not be an allowable excuse for not whistle-blowing. From the utilitarian perspective actions are right insofar as they promote happiness and wrong as they bring the reverse of happiness: pain (Mill, 1910.) The repercussions of disobeying orders would be wrong because it would bring produce the reverse of happiness via pain and privation of pleasure. However, one also assess the si tuation from the view of Kant that maxims should only be acted on when they can become aRead MoreWeaknesses Of Using Secondary Analysis1190 Words  | 5 Pagesweaknesses of using secondary analysis include outdated data, a lack of collected data, data’s reliability, and biases. Researchers must find relevant data that reflect their specific study. Depending on the topic, there may be a lack of secondary data about certain topics that researchers are conducting. When a study is new, the amount of existing studies could be insufficient, which need more research to be conducted. Another weakness when using secondary analysis is the reliability of the dataRead MoreThe Factors Affecting Community Participation Essay1445 Words  | 6 PagesGlobalization provides plate form for the community development workers, helping local groups move from campaign slogans to constituencies for change, linking local to regional and supranational arenas and supported by participatory form of research, policy analysis and continuous organizational learning. These are all process to which community development can make a strong contribution [1]. A refocusing the developmental strategy in mid 1970s led to the emergence of people’s participation as central concern
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Teacher Man free essay sample
These are the last lines of the book The Teacher Man by the ever outstanding writer, Frank McCourt. These lines mark the beginning of McCourt’s flight as a writer. McCourt began earning world readership after he published Angela’s Ashes, my favourite of all his works. It became an award winning memoir as it highlighted the childhood life in Limerick, Ireland, revealing the painful course of experience he had when he was a kid, and the situation of his family on that time. His second book ‘Tis came out as the sequel of Angela’s Ashes. It is a magnificent piece, containing stories about his early years in New York. Though it is not as good as Angela’s Ashes but still it is a wonderful work of Frank McCourt. The Teacher Man is Frank McCourt’s third book. As a tribute to teachers, with all honesty and material from real experience, this book presents all the trials McCourt faced, the surprises he encountered, and the achievements he received in all the secondary schools in New York City where he used to worked at. We will write a custom essay sample on The Teacher Man or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This book exposes what mostly happens inside a classroom; how the students work and what role their teachers play for them. After reading Chapter 7, where the importance of the teachers is fleshed out, I learned that teachers don’t just teach; they also inspire their students and give them values which students will hold dear through time. Like the situation of Kevin, a bully student, McCourt made him show his true self and turned him into a good boy with a lively imagination. This explains how teachers influence their students. They are indeed the second parents to guide their students to the right direction towards their future. Being a teacher is challenging. Most of my life is spent and handled by teachers, year after year, and, I must say though they have different approaches in teaching, they had a hard time dealing with our attitudes and of the rest of their students, especially the high school students. Difficult as it may seem to handle a number of students with different personalities and levels of understanding, this challenge for them is to overcome always. Thus, of all professions that one has to choose and pursue, teaching is what I really respect the most. Without teachers, there would be no other professionals for teachers are those who mold people into becoming professionals. McCourt decided to write literary piece only thirty years after he worked as a teacher. This pursuit can be analysed in two ways: from what sort of influence his students might have suggested on him and his teaching experience; or to the fact that Mr. McCourt was once a teacher and he should write a book about it. This re-representation of his life into a book explains also why he had to write a memoir about his childhood, his life in New York, and now, his life as once a teacher. I want to title this paper The End of the Beginning because after he retired from teaching, Frank McCourt started working on this book. It is all about his life, retelling things that happened since his retirement. The book serves as a two-end account for that part of this life, because it is closing the stories, things he used to meddle while he was working as a teacher. Another, this may be an end to his writing. Considering his age, this memoir is his last record but the beginning, in a way, for readers who want to understand more about the realities he had. This book will move one’s heart as it does to a reader like me. At the age of 66, in 1996, Frank McCourt published his first book Angela’s Ashes. In 1999, McCourt, at 69, published ‘Tis. It is remarkable that he was able to write good books at such age. I may not be a good writer, but I give credits to his patience, skills, and for being such an influential author. I like the way he writes his books for it’s like I am reading what exactly one says, as if I am the one who is talking in the book. The thought of reading a book doesn’t come into my mind. This means that any readers can really put themselves to the shoes of Frank McCourt. But if you ask me if The Teacher Man is a great literary piece as well? My answer again ‘TIS.
Friday, April 10, 2020
All About Halifax, the Capital of Nova Scotia
All About Halifax, the Capital of Nova Scotia Halifax, the largest urban area in Atlantic Canada, is the capital of the province of Nova Scotia. It sits in the center of Nova Scotias east coast and is an important seaport that looks out over one of the worlds largest natural harbors. Its been strategic militarily since its founding for just that reason and is nicknamed Warden of the North. Nature lovers will find sandy beaches, beautiful gardens, and hiking, birding, and beachcombing. Urbanites can enjoy the symphony, live theater, art galleries, and museums, along with a lively nightlife that includes brewpubs and a great culinary scene. Halifax is a relatively affordable city that provides a mix of Canadian history and modern living, with the constant influence of the sea. History The first British settlement that became Halifax began in 1749 with the arrival of about 2,500 settlers from Britain. The harbor and the promise of lucrative cod fishing were the main draws. The settlement was named for George Dunk, Earl of Halifax, who was the main supporter of the settlement. Halifax was a base of operations for the British during the American Revolution and also a destination for Americans loyal to Britain who opposed the Revolution. Halifaxs remote location hindered its growth, but World War I brought it back into prominence again as a shipping point for supplies to Europe. The Citadel is a hill overlooking the harbor that from the citys beginnings was valued for its view of the harbor and surrounding lowland and was from the start the site of fortifications, the first being a wooden guard house. The last fort to be built there, Fort George, stands as a reminder to the historical importance of this key area. Its now called Citadel Hill and is a national historic site that includes re-enactments, ghost tours, changing of the sentry and walks around the inside of the fort. Statistics and Government Halifax covers 5,490.28 square kilometers or 2,119.81 square miles. Its population as of the 2011 Canadian census was 390,095. The Halifax Regional Council is the main governing and legislative body for the Halifax Regional Municipality. The Halifax Regional Council is made up of 17 elected representatives: the mayor and 16 municipal councilors. Halifax Attractions Besides the Citadel, Halifax offers several interesting attractions. One not to be missed is the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, which includes artifacts from the sinking of the Titanic. The bodies of 121 victims of this tragedy in 1912 are buried in Halifaxs Fairview Lawn Cemetery. Other Halifax attractions include: Pier 21: Canadian Museum of ImmigrationProvince House, the Legislative Assembly of Nova ScotiaArt Gallery of Nova Scotia Trans Canada Trail Halifax Climate Halifax weather is strongly influenced by the ocean. Winters are mild and summers are cool. Halifax is foggy and misty, with fog on more than 100 days of the year, especially in spring and early summer. Winters in Halifax are moderate but wet with both rain and snow. The average high temperature in January is 2 degrees Celsius, or 29 degrees Fahrenheit. Spring comes slowly and eventually arrives in April, bringing more rain and fog. Summers in Halifax are short but beautiful. In July, the average high temperature is 23 degrees Celsius, or 74 degrees Fahrenheit. By late summer or early fall, Halifax may feel the tail end of a hurricane or tropical storm.
Monday, March 9, 2020
The Review of the film Shakespeare in love.
The Review of the film Shakespeare in love. Free Online Research Papers Marjorie Baumgarten, the movie reviewer for Austin Chronicle wrote: â€Å"â€Å"The plays the thing,†proves Shakespeare in Love, as it presents the imaginary events that led to the creation of the playwrights timeless romantic drama, Romeo and Juliet†( Baumgarten is not the only one who feels this way about Shakespeare in Love. Roger Ebert, a Chicago Sun-Times movie critic, remarked that he â€Å"was carried along by the wit, the energy and a surprising sweetness†of the film( Indeed, the director of the film, John Madden with the support and help of screenwriters, Marc Norman and Tom Stoppard, accurately managed to show us the speculations, of how Shakespeare might have written one of his best tragedies, Romeo and Juliet. The setting of the movie is 1593. The story begins when Shakespeare is just another scribbling London hack, not as well known as his friend-rival Christopher Marlowe and is short of money ( But still, â€Å"hes a rising star, in demand by the impecunious impresario Henslowe, whose Rose Theater is in hock to a money lender, and Richard Burbage , whose Curtain Theater has Marlowe and would like to sign Shakespeare†( William Shakespeare is writing a new play, â€Å"Romeo and Romeo and Ethel, the Pirates Daughter†, which would later be renamed â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†, for Henslowe. However he is suffering from a writer’s block ( and, telling Henslowe, that his new play is safely locked up in his head, he tries to find a muse in Rosaline. But the next day, he finds out that Rosaline is cheating on him and burns the beginning of â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†. This is when we meet Viola, the daughter of a wealthy nobleman de Lesseps, who is in love with theatre and acting. She prefers Shakespeare’s plays over Marlowe’s, and wants to act in one of his plays, but , because women were not allowed on the stage those days, she dresses up as a young man, Thomas Kent, and goes to the auditioning for Shakespeare’s new play. â€Å"As the man auditioning to play Romeo, Viola wears a mustache and trousers and yet somehow inspires stirrings in Wills breeches; later, at a dance, he sees her as a woman and falls instantly in love.†Unfortunately Viola has to marry Lord Wessex, â€Å"who will trade his title for her fathers’ cash†( Wessex is a mean and a cruel m an, who is extremely selfish. He sees the couple dancing at the ball, and asks Shakespeare’s name, threatening him, so that he doesn’t meet Viola any more. But Shakespeare doesn’t want to tell him his real name, so he tells him the name of his friend-rival, Marlowe and leaves the house, being unable to find Thomas Kent. The next day Viola, disguised as Thomas Kent goes to the Rose Theatre again, and starts rehearsing Romeo’s lines. This time Shakespeare manages to talk to â€Å"him†and asks him who he is. Thomas tells William, that â€Å"he†is the nephew of Viola’s nurse. William uses Kent as a messenger, to deliver some of his famous sonnets and love letters to Viola and they intimately talk about her in the boat. After this boat trip Shakespeare finds out that Thomas Kent and Viola de Lesseps is the same person â€Å"and the love story between Shakespeare and Viola slyly takes form†( The director, John Madden uses montage, moving from the romantic scenes of Romeo and Juliet on the stage, to the affair between Viola and William. Here the movie proves that â€Å"the play is the thing†again (, because the affair between Romeo and Juliet is just as impetuous and passionate as the real one, between the aut hor of the play and Viola and both, the lovers in the play and in the real life, know that their love is doomed. William Shakespeare also proves it to Queen Elizabeth, who sets up a wager between him and Lord Wessex, as to whether the play can capture the true nature of love, winning the wager. The proof is the audience’s reaction after Shakespeare and Viola play in â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†and we don’t know whether this is the play or the lovers’ real life. â€Å"Shakespeare in Love†ends sadly, as the Queen says: â€Å"As stories must when loves denied – with tears and a journey†and tells Viola to tell Shakespeare to write something cheerful for the Twelfth Night. In the end of the movie Shakespeare is writing his new play, the Twelfth Night, which was inspired by Viola, when he says: â€Å"It will be a love story, for she will be my heroine for all time, and her name will be †¦ Viola!†, and this leaves us hoping, that their fate turned out the same way as in his new play (Shakespeare in Love. Dir. John Madden). : 1) Shakespeare in Love. Dir. John Madden. Performers: Joseph Fiennes, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Judi Dench. Universal, DVD, 1998 2) Ebert, Roger. Review of Shakespeare in Love, Dir. John Madden, Chicago Suntimes Online. 25 December, 1998. Retrieved 12 October, 2009. 3) Baumgarten, Marjorie. Review of Shakespeare in Love, Dir. John Madden, The Austin Chronicle Online. 25 December, 1998. Retrieved 24 October, 2009. Research Papers on The Review of the film Shakespeare in love.Honest Iagos Truth through DeceptionWhere Wild and West MeetMind TravelThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayThe Hockey GameThe Spring and AutumnThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsHip-Hop is ArtCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite Religion
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Diversity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Diversity - Research Paper Example Festivals function to meet particular needs, on top of providing amusement. These occasions of celebrations present a feeling of belonging for social, religious or geographical groups. A hobby refers to a habitual interest or activity, which is embarked on for joy, customarily done in one’s leisure. A mix of vegetables and meat and several kinds of white bread comprise the main diets. There is custom for baking white bread, which is flattened (tandyr, lavash,churek). Kuftebozbash (potatoes and meat in a reedy sauce) is also a widespread dish. Crammed pepper leaves, as well as soups likewise form a part of everyday meals. The broth borsch as well as other Russian food is part of the cookery too. Azeri’s restaurants offer numerous varieties of kebabas an international cuisine (WTG, 2013). At ceremonial occasions, steamed rice (Pulov) adorned with raisins and apricots are main dish during ritual festivities. It is taken alongside onions, meat and fried chestnuts. In the holiday of Novruz, wheat is sautà ©ed with nuts and raisins (gavurga) (Azer-embassy, 2012). Every homestead should have seven kinds of nuts upon a platter. Sweets like paklava (a rhombus-shaped finely coated pastry covered with sugar and nuts) as well as shakarbura (a pastry of thin bread covered with nuts sugar and nuts) are an essential part of festivities. On weddings, various kebabs and pulovare supplemented byshyra (a sweet nonalcoholic drink) as well as alcohol too. At burials, the major dish is usually meat and pulov, dished up with shyra and then followed with tea. The most observed traditional Azerbaijani festival is Novruz Bayram that is the customary festivity of the primordial New Year. Bayram Novruz is a festival celebrated by family. During the evening, a fore the feast the entire family assembles around the feast table arranged with numerous dishes to
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Impact of mass food production on food borne illness outbreaks Essay
Impact of mass food production on food borne illness outbreaks - Essay Example clude Campylobacter jejuni, Clostridium botulinum, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella, and Listeria monocytogene, amongst others, but the ones mainly responsible for mass outbreaks are Escherichia coli O157:H7 (E. Coli), and Listeria monocytogene. These pathogens are extremely sustainable and productive, thus their ability to withstand the extremes in the production processes, and reproduce rapidly to contaminate the entire, or most of the production lines. This essay will conduct a research and give the findings of how directly responsible the mass food production industry is in causing Foodborne disease outbreaks. The World Health organization (WHO) conducts what is referred to as â€Å"public health surveillance†which is a process involving the collection, evaluation, and interpretation of the morbidity and mortality data that is essential for the plan, implementation, and evaluating of public health services, and relaying of the information in time for public health action. The aim of such is to identify strange clusters of outbreaks potentially transmitted through food, and might prompt a public health response or investigation (World Health Organization 9). The WHO and many other organizations conduct researches and studies, which indicate that, indeed, mass food production is a major potential cause of Foodborne illnesses. According to Monica Eng, a Chicago Tribune reporter, meat consumption has risen over the last forty years but the surprise in it is that people pay less than half of what is cost back then. The reason for this is the housing of thousands of animals in confined factory farms that cut down the cost of producing protein, thus the low cost of the commodities. However, Monica argues, these cheap production processes have potential dangers of their own, including the exorbitant rise of health care expenditures. She states, â€Å"But the system also has created disasters like last months recall of half a billion salmonella-tainted eggs. Critics
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Hamlets Characterisation Essay Example for Free
Hamlets Characterisation Essay The aspect of Shakespeare’s Hamlet that is most interesting to me is the playwright’s intimate depiction of Hamlet’s daily struggle againt the world. Through soliloquies and characterisation, we see that Hamlet’s world is a cold, political one, unreceptive to his grief, and this fundamental incompatibility is ultimately what creates and drives the play’s great drama behind his struggle, his murderous plot, uncertainty, and finally his thoughtful, accepting resolve at the end of the play. Early in the play we see this great incompatibility between Hamlet and his society emerging, as he, stricken with grief, is surrounded by cold political plotters. Shakespeare revels in his use of irony, as Claudius utters the oxymoron â€Å"lawful espials†, and Polonius, evangelising that â€Å"this above all else: to thine own self be true†, endeavours with â€Å"this bait of falsehood†to â€Å"by indirections find directions out†and thus â€Å"take this carp of truth†. Hamlet continues this tradition of fish-related metaphors in accusing Polonius of being a â€Å"fishmonger†, a claim which reflects his own struggle to comprehend how cold and contriving his society is. Hamlet even wonders how â€Å"a beast that wants discourse of reason would have mourned longer†than his mother, Gertrude, the â€Å"pernicious woman†whose â€Å"salt of most unrighteous tears†falls from merely â€Å"galled eyes†. That she could be â€Å"like Niobe†is a twisted classical allusion which adds to the sentiment of tension which Hamlet feels against his society, which, in the disillusioned wake of his grief, he has found is superficial and immoral, especially as â€Å"one may smile, and smile, and be a villain†, while â€Å"virtue itself of vice must beg†and â€Å"rank corruption†¦mining within†¦infects unseen†. Thus this great tension forms an integral part of the early part of the play and drives the drama which underlies Hamlet’s characterisation, and his struggle to find where he belongs in this morally void society. Hamlet’s soililoquy at the end of Act II reveals how this tension has acted upon his soul. He questions his own sanity, asking if it is, in fact, the â€Å"pleasing shape†of the devil, which â€Å"abuses me to damn me†. This particular tension between Hamlet and his world is what reveals several important character elements in Hamlet. That the Player could invoke such passion in such a superficial â€Å"fiction†, and â€Å"for Hecuba†at that, while Hamlet sits statically racked with indecision, is reflective of the superficiality which frustrates him and drives him to see imself as a â€Å"dull and muddy-mettled rascal†. It drives him inwards to consider what kind of person he is, and how best to resolve the tension which has evolved as a result of his society’s immorality. Yet as the soliloquy changes tone dramatically, and marked by Hamlet’s cry of â€Å"Oh, vengeance! †, the apostrophic appeal to Nemesis herself reve als an early attempt to break free from these chains of indecision and uncertainty set upon him due to his struggle. Thus the tension between him and his immoral peers is what ultimately produces this first change of heart, from â€Å"pigeon-livered†to the successful invocation of the mythical figure, the â€Å"rugged Pyrrhus†, out to â€Å"drink hot blood†, whom he struggled to portray and rehearse earlier in the scene. That the tension is so central to this first episode of self-realisation, and subsequent ascents to personal conviction, reflects how truly crucial his struggle and journey towards self-understanding is to Hamlet’s textual integrity. Hamlet’s obsession with death, beginning with the Act III soliloquy not long after, is another seeming affliction brought on by this grievous tension with the world around our hero. That the world could so easily forget a human life, and that this life was that of a king, brings on a deep sense of aporia for the young prince, as he struggles to reconcile the significance of life with the great ease with which it is forgotten when lost. His turn to â€Å"what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil†forms part of the plaintive introspection revealed by this soliloquy as he searches for truth, away from the â€Å"pangs of disprized love†for which he was informed that â€Å"to persever in obstinate condolement is†¦unmanly grief†. His obsession with death throughout the play and in this soliloquy is hence marked as a decided escape from the constant tension with his society and its many unknowable uncertainties, as portrayed by a play whose opening line is â€Å"who’s there! †. Death plays the role of the only certain, pure truth, as symbolised by the memento mori of Act V, the skull held in Hamlet’s hand which in all its graspable physicality and feeble perishability becomes a source of finality, and certainty for the young prince. His tension with society is characterised by great inaction and uncertain angst, but in death, all souls return to absolute dust. Whether they bear the â€Å"pate of a politician†or the â€Å"skull of a lawyer†is insignificant in this regard, for â€Å"e’en so†, even the great Alexander â€Å"looked o’ this fashion i’th’earth†. He finds great solace in the promise of this finality away from the contrarious moods of his â€Å"comrades†. This characterises the self-reckoning which ultimately leads him to his final resolvel and faith by which he stands ready to once more face his society and his fate, whatever it may be. With this sentiment he remarks â€Å"there is Providence in the fall of a sparrow†¦let be†. Lastly, Hamlet and Ophelia’s relationship with the world reveal analogous tensions which manifest in different ways and provide interesting insights into the dramatic consequences of this tension. Ophelia and Hamlet’s relationship is torn apart by Polonius’ meddling. Hamlet’s proclamation that â€Å"frailty, thy name is woman! †foreshadows the way that we soon see Ophelia being influenced to a great extent by her filial, obedient devotion to Polonius, so much so that, struggling to reconcile her personal integrity and her duty to her family, she descends into her own madness, â€Å"divided from herself and her fair judgment, without the which we are pictures, or mere beasts†. Polonius, the â€Å"fishmonger†, tells her that her love is that of â€Å"a green girl†, and her submission to such worldly expectations is what begets her destruction. Yet even in her insanity she finds a resolve which, though markedly more frenzied, mirrors Hamlet’s own. Her flowers are each symbols of denouncement of the court’s treacherous figures, whose â€Å"rue with a difference†Ophelia insists they must acknowledge for their most distressing actions. There is thus a great tension which arises out of the persistent degradation of the lovers’ relationship, and their final destruction at the hands of Laertes for Hamlet, and in the river for Ophelia. These elements are undeniably integral elements of the play which drive its enduring drama and converge to form a crucial part of Hamlet’s textual integrity. Thus we can see that the tension of the world, manipulative, cold and immoral, as it acts on the fundamentally honest, if perhaps naive prince, is the source of the great drama which underpins Hamlet’s struggle through the play to pit his own psyche against that of his peers. This tension time and time again proves to be central to a true consideration and understanding of Hamlet’s episodes of character evolution which sees him descend into the murky depths of his world’s uncertainty. It is only with the realisation and grasping of truth, whether he finds this in the finality of death or the power of fate, that Hamlet ascends once more to the safe anchorage of sanity and resolve, and finds the courage and conviction needed to face his society once more, and finally his death.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Hamlet Essay -- ESSAYS
Hamlet Each major character of Shakespeare’s Hamlet has a major flaw, which destroys him or her. The King, Queen, Hamlet, Ophelia, and Polonius all have these flaws but Horatio does not. He is Shakespeare’s ideal man. Claudius’ fatal flaw is ambitiousness. Claudius kills his brother King Hamlet and then takes the throne by marrying King Hamlet’s wife: â€Å"Therefore our sometime sister, now our queen†¦have we (as ‘twere with a defeated joy, with an auspicious and a dropping eye, with mirth in funeral and with dirge in marriage, in equal scale weighing delight and dole) taken to wife†(I.ii.10-14). Claudius admits to killing the King in a confessional prayer: â€Å"O, my offense is rank, it smells to heaven; it hath the primal eldest curse upon’t, a brother’s murder†¦O, what form of prayer can serve my turn? ‘Forgive me my foul murder? That cannot be, since I am still possessed of those effects for which I did the murder: My crown, mine own ambition, and my queen. May one be pardoned and retain th’ offense?’ †(III.iii.40-43, 55-60). Another ambition of Claudius is he wants to have Hamlet murdered in England: â€Å"I like him not, nor stands it safe with us to let his madness range. Therefore prepare you. I your commission will forthwith dispatch. And he to England shall along with you†¦hazard so near ‘s as doth hourly grow out of his brows†(III.iii.1-7). The fate of the King is fatal. His deceitfulness kills him when he challenges Laertes and Hamlet to duel, he poisons the tip of Laertes sword and in a cup of wine he puts a poisonous pearl: Hamlet: The point envenomed too! Then, venom, to thy work. King: O, yet defend me, friends! I am but hurt. Hamlet: Here, thou incestuous, *murd’rous,* damnà ©d Dane, d... ...s some danger (III.iv.26-30, 38-40). Shakespeare’s ideal person is Horatio. In the beginning of the play, Horatio, when he sees the ghost decides to tell Hamlet: â€Å"So have I heard and do in part believe it†¦Break we our watch up, and by my advice let us impart what we have seen tonight unto young Hamlet†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (I.i.180-185). Horatio is ruled by reason and Hamlet recognizes and comments on this: â€Å"Give me that man that is not passion’s slave, and I will wear him in my heart’s core, ay, in my heart of heart, as I do thee†(III.ii.76-79).. Horatio does not have a fatal flaw and does not die. Shakespeare gives his main characters flaws that destroy their lives. The King, Queen, Hamlet, Ophelia, and Polonius all have flaws and die in the end, but Horatio, Shakespeare’s ideal character, does not have a fatal flaw and lives. Bibliography: Hamlet, William Shakespeare
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Assess the Usefulness of Functionalism for an Understanding of the Family
Assess the usefulness of functionalism for an understanding of the family. Functionalism is a structural theory in that it believes that the social structure of society (social institutions such as economy, education, media, law, religion and family) is responsible for shaping us as individuals. Functionalists are interested in how the family functions for the greater good or society and in particular, how it contributes to maintenance of social order. Functionalist's view of families and households is mainly a positive view. In this essay, I will assess the understanding of families and households through a functionalist view.All over the world family life is differs by huge variation and diversity. But in the UK and according to functionalists who take the more traditional view of family believe it should be a small group of people living together, including the mother father and usually two or three children and are biologically related. The children should be the product of roman tic love. A famous sociologist George Peter Murdock (1949) defines the family as: â€Å"A social group characterised by common residence, economic cooperation and reproduction.It should consist of adults of both sexes with at least two who maintain a socially approved relationship, which has created one or more children of their own. Therefore Murdock’s definition is based on the nuclear family – a stereotypical two-generation family made up of a heterosexual couple with dependent offspring. This definition was popular with functionalist sociologists who suggested that this is the ideal type of family which people should aim to have. Murdock’s four key functions are: Stabilisation/regulation of the sex drive (sexual) Reproduction of the next generation (reproductive)Socialisation of the young (educational) Meeting its members’ economic needs, providing food shelter etc (economic) Sociologists criticise Murdocks approach on the family saying it’s t o ‘rose-tinted’, which means it’s all a bit pretty and wonderful and he ignores conflict that happens in the family. Feminists believe women are oppressed in the family and Marxists argue the family meeting the needs of capitalism, not the members and society as a whole. Parsons, there is a clear division of labour. According to his studies, the husbands has an â€Å"instrumental role†, he is armed for success at work so that he can provide for his family.Wives on the other hand have an â€Å"expressive role†where they are expected to emotionally support their husbands and children. The male role is economic breadwinner and head of household, whereas the female role is nurturing and childcare. Lastly, the family members receive nurturing and un-conditional love and care from the mother. This nuclear family type, as mentioned above, is seen as the ideal. We see this in wider parts of society such as the media who portray this in such things as adver tisements, where there will be a family with a mother who is preparing the food, the male getting ready for work and two or three children.This is known as the ‘cereal packet family’. Functionalist see the family as a primary agent of socialisation, it teaches its members its culture by sharing common norms and values. So functionalist believes the family is crucial to order and created consensus. Another Functionalist, Talcott Parsons (1965) believes the family is a ‘personality factory’ who produces children with shared norms and values and has a strong sense of belonging to society.Another key point functionalists believe the family is crucial for is controlling society daily for example with marriage it keeps sexual relationships under control and monogamous. This is seen as socially acceptable when kept in a heterosexual marriage, so it stops chaos and disorder from unregulated sexual relationships. Parsons argues that a function of the family is that of a stress reliever for the male after a hard day of working, this is known as the ‘warm bath theory’ as all the hardships of modern working life is forgotten.Therefore functionalist sees the family as both beneficial for society and for the individual. But other sociologists such as feminists would argue this, as they believe the family is only serving the needs of men and oppresses women. According to Fran Ansley women are ‘takers of shit’ â€Å"When wives play their traditional role as takers of shit, they often absorb their husbands’ legitimate anger and frustration at their own powerlessness. †This would counter the warm bath theory and suggest males take their anger out on women, rather than see the family as a stress relief from their jobs.This could explain domestic violence. Parsons (1955) the family can perform many functions. The functions that it performs will depend on the needs of society. This is known as the ‘functional fit’ theory. Pre-industrial society = extended family (three generations living under one roof) Industrial society = nuclear family (just parents and dependent children). As society changed, the ‘type’ of family that was required to help society function changed.Industrial society has two essential needs which require a nuclear family to work: A geographically mobile workforce and a socially mobile workforce. Loss of functions ,Parsons also argues that the family in modern society has lost many of its functions as it has become a unit of consumption only (rather than also being a unit of production) This means that in modern society the nuclear family has just two essential or ‘irreducible’ functions: Primary socialisation of children Stabilisation of adult personalities.Sociologists such as Young and Willmott (1973) ; Laslett (1972) argue that the pre-industrial family was nuclear, which defeats all points made by Parsons and why a lot of people do n’t believe his argument is very reliable. To conclude I believe that the usefulness of functionalism for understanding the family has become dated, every key point they make can be argued or disproved with actual statistics and fact. I believe it would have been more credible in the mid-1900s where gender roles where a lot more evident and accepted.Also they take the nuclear family as the norm, ideal and most apparent family type in modern society which Is false, and Michael Andersons (1980) research proves Parsons functional fit theory wrong, as the extended family was the structure best equipped to meet the needs of early industrial society, due to the benefits such as older kin looing after children whilst parents worked. Therefore I don’t believe functionalism is very useful to get an overall understanding of every aspect of the family.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Role Of The Supreme Court - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 334 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/08/08 Category Law Essay Level High school Tags: Supreme Court Cases Essay Did you like this example? The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. That is an expert from the United States Constitution, specifically the tenth amendment, pertaining to States powers. One of those powers was the right to decide the qualifications a person must meet in order to be able to vote in a particular state. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Role Of The Supreme Court" essay for you Create order In the history of America, there are numerous instances where the qualifications the States set in place were lawful or not, whether they are Constitutional or not, and that is decided by the highest court in America; the Supreme Court.        One Supreme Court case pertaining to voter qualifications was Gomillion V. Lightfoot (1960). The petitioner was Gomillion, the responder was Lightfoot and the court was held at the Alabama General Assembly. The case was sparked when Alabama State legislature re-drew the electoral boundaries of Tuskegee. They turned the district from a square shape to a figure with twenty-eight different sides. The purpose of this was to exclude essentially all African American citizens from the city limits of Tuskegee and place them in a new district where no whites lived. By doing this these people were no longer allowed to vote in local elections. When brought to the Supreme Court the question that was asked was: did the redrawing of Tuskegees electoral district boundaries violate the Fifteenth Amendment? The case was argued for one day between October 18th through 19th and a decision was made on November 14, 1960. The ruling was unanimous throughout all of the Supreme Court Justices in favor of Gomillion. States are insulated from judicial review when they exercise power wholly within the domain of state interest. However, in this case, Alabamas representatives were unable to identify any countervailing municipal function the act was designed to serve. The court came to the conclusion that the only reason for drawing district lines in such a way as to deprive black people of political power.
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