Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about The Happiness Project Analysis - 1000 Words
Happiness is not a strange term to us. We usually use that word to express our feelings in every day. Additionally, more than a word, â€Å"happiness†is what we really need and always seek in life. However, finding and understanding deeply its meaning is not easy. The online dictionary, â€Å"†defines, â€Å"Happiness is a sense of well-being, joy, or contentment. When people are successful, or safe, or lucky, they feel happiness.†Thus, we always wonder if we are happy or how could we be happier in our life. Happiness, therefore, becomes a goal for everybody. Everyone has their own way to find happiness. As it is a feeling, each of us has our own range and different definitions about this term. We know that there are many joyful things†¦show more content†¦Happiness is a result that we deserved, furthermore, it becomes a motivation for us to keep trying and getting success in life. Essentially, seeking happiness is necessary in life. We often hope to find happiness from other people, other things around us and forget that we can create it by ourselves. The novel â€Å"The happiness project†by Gretchen Rubin is sufficient evidence. The author states, â€Å"I am happy – but I’m not as happy as I should be.†(13) Then she started a project within a year to change her life and seek for a happier life. By making a list of things she has to do in the next twelve months, the author have done many things which affects her â€Å"Vitality†(1), her â€Å"Marriage†(38), her â€Å"Leisure†(112), her â€Å"Friendship†(141),etc. positively so that she can achieve her goal, which is a life full filed of happiness as she dreamed before. We can also do that. We know that if everyone of us set a goal and live purposely, we are all happy. However, we can be happier if we know how to change ourselves on the right way. We can make ourselves happy by doing simple things in our everyday life. 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